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The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, however, most of us rarely travel via a straight line, and our journey is often a meandering one, involving trial and error, doubling back on ourselves and re-treading part, or parts of old ground before moving on to new.     It is frequently the journey rather than the destination that has the greatest potential, and holds our interest the most.  

This project reflects on places of origin through familiar textures of nature and, underpinned by the theme of the journey, it references the rough surface textures of mountainous landscapes as it celebrates the circuitous nature of life in general.  It is the acknowledgement of the many journeys we undertake,  and of the manner  in which we undertake them.


ANFRACTUOUS is a series of tableware in coloured stoneware and flatware in cast and hand-tooled brass

In collaboration with Natascha Madeiski

Year: 2017






Photography: Lol Johnson
Art direction / Styling: Daniel Michael Hubbard